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Defining Your Why To Live With Purpose


Do you have something that pushes you out of bed in the morning? A guiding force that keeps you going during the tough times? Here at YGT, we call that our “why”. If you’ve never established your why, we’re hoping you have a better idea of how to define that for yourself by the end of this post.

What is a “Why” Statement?

According to motivational speaker Simon Sinek, a why statement is “the compelling higher purpose that inspires us and acts as the source of all we do”.

You may be wondering, “how is this different from a personal goal or a mission statement?” In our opinion, goals and philosophies that you might already live by are often specific to your professional or personal development and created by someone else. A “why” statement is an all-encompassing mission that defines your commitment to life for you, by you. It’s the reason you keep pushing on and often your source of inspiration for growth. While goals have more to do with achievement, your why is about finding fulfillment.

How do I create my “Why” Statement?

“My why is providing a quality life for my family while finding ways to strengthen and support my community. I’m a work in progress and strive to be teachable in all aspects of my life. I like to say that when I’m green I grow, and when I’m ripe I rot.” - Dean Wilson

Before you determine your “why”, you need to know your “what”. We recommend asking yourself these three simple questions to get started:

  1. What inspires you? This can be anything that drives you or makes you feel alive. Consider what you love to do, even if it has nothing to do with your career or hobbies.

  2. What are your biggest strengths? Identify what you are good at in all aspects of your life and how you add value to the situations you are in. Keep in mind, these strengths should be more about you as an individual overall rather than specific skills you possess.

  3. What does success mean to you? Determine how you measure success in your life. Does it come from family? Stability? Monetary value? Education? Happiness?

After answering these questions, begin to piece your statement together based on your responses. Remember that your why statement should be a balance between defining your strengths and fueling your growth. To help you out, we asked the YGT founders what their why statement is, and here’s what they said:

“My why is my son Raymond. My mission is to prevent students and adults from making a long term decision on a short term circumstance. I want to help people communicate and connect with one another, because connection is the best prevention.” - Chris Anderton

When you identify your purpose in life, you are often more willing to accept challenges and create a life that is meaningful to you. So much of who we are is expressed through what we do, so we must build our life around what matters most to us. We hope this has inspired you to create your own why statement so you too, can be powered by purpose.

You got this.

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